Saturday, April 5, 2008


Hi friends,

How often in life have you been at cross-roads ? Umpteen number of times maybe :) Life can have a very cruel sense of humour. It very often throws up at you a plethora of options to choose from. From the mundane things in life like choosing between a visit to a pal's place or a placid siesta to spend an afternoon, to the greater challenges vying for your adjudication like opting to marry A or B ( though both maybe equally intimidating ;) ), making choices is often the most Herculean task one can be doomed to. Being un-equivocal has somehow never been one of my best traits. More often than not i find myself in the realm of ambivalence, where the clear stream of reasoning somehow fades into the equally enticing outcomes of both the alternatives.

This composition of mine would probably give you the feeling of deja-vu. Hey guys, please say that you too get confounded by situations and i am not the only one who is anointed to the Royal Seat of Confusion ;)

It soars, it plunges,
Atop the acme - into the abyss.
It yearns to bask in implicit trust,
Apparitions of chicanery haunt it yet.
My heart, my mind, my body, my soul,
Are all engulfed by a befuddling turmoil.
The pulchritude of fantasies bedazzle my vision,
Monstrous temptations debilitate all reason.
While wisdom warns and propriety portents,
I annihilate proclivity and my dreams' grotesque contents.
Puerility amputates my armour,
Oh ! my impotence as a warrior.
But, the Messiah, the Omniscient knows of my ineptitude,
As he cascades His omnipotence shrouding my solitude.
Oh, Saviour of all, I write to You a psalm,
Enamour me from blasphemy, purge and make me calm.


Vishal Kumar said...
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Vishal Kumar said...

YEa..I was wrong. Your using of such words..make me feel powerful. It makes your sentences powerful. And i love it. Feel like i am obsessed to your blog.

As for ambivalence ...Very True.

But yea.. "Contradictions Never Exist. Check Your Premises" Ayn Rand

Vaishalee said...

Thanx Vishal.... ur words are always encouraging and ur suggestions always valuable...

Dont let ur obsession fizzle out :)